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BuyFin Helps Push Sales Through for One Swimming Pool Co

September 9, 2024

For the past five years, Joel Davis has owned the America’s Swimming Pool Co. (ASP) in Frisco, TX. He and his team were early adopters of BuyFin Consumer Financing and tested the solution when it became available for contractors.

Financing is crucial to Joel’s business success since most of his jobs are big ticket items and a significant investment for his customers. Since using BuyFin contractor financing, Joel has been able to push more sales through.

BuyFin Helps Push Sales Through

Joel and his team were among the first ASP locations to test BuyFin. Joel was ready to make a switch, so when presented with information about BuyFin Consumer Financing, he jumped at the opportunity.

His previous consumer financing company had a lot of caveats when it came to getting people approved. Joel has been happy with how simple BuyFin is to use and has had no issues using the platform.

Since they started using BuyFin, his team has been able to close more jobs. Joel said, “BuyFin has helped push sales through since it is a soft credit pull for your customers and instantaneously lets you know if someone is approved. This has helped our sales.”

Why Switch to BuyFin?

Many factors led to Joel’s decision to switch financing vendors. Joel said, “The rates are great, and it is a wonderful program. We have had customers take advantage of it, so it has been great so far.” In addition to great rates, here are a few other things Joel and his team have found valuable.

Simple Process

Joel loves how easy BuyFin is to use. The ability to create a loan package, send your customer an email application, and have the project go through has been a time saver. BuyFin is a one-stop shop for financing needs for contractors.

Joel and his team have also been pleased with how easy it is to send their customers an application and offer them affordable monthly payments.

“You just put the customer’s name and email or phone number in and send the application. The process is simple. Customers fill out the application on their own. We give them a few finance options to choose from, and they select which ones fit their needs. It is a seamless process, and we get notified right away if the customer has been approved,” Joel said.

Staged Funding

Staged funding is an incredibly important benefit in the pool industry because renovations to brand-new pool builds can take weeks to months to complete.

BuyFin offers this feature to all our contractors. Staged funding helps Joel control his business’s cash flow, with no cap on the number of deposits he can draw over the project’s duration.

Joel said, “Most items we install, from renovations to pool builds to equipment, do take some time. Staged funding allows us to get in and do draws at various times. That is a nice feature because other places don’t have it or only allow you to withdraw funds when you are done with the project.” Joel said they typically will take a deposit before the project begins and then withdraw again in the middle of the project and at the end.

Excellent Training and Support

Joel sent all his employees who would be using BuyFin to training. The online nature of the training made it easy for him to do so. Joel said the training was robust, and the BuyFin support team has been fantastic to work with, saying “They have been easy to get ahold of and answer any questions we have.”

Advice to Business Owners to Switch to BuyFin

When asked what Joel would tell other people about the number one benefit of switching to BuyFin, he said, “Three words – ease of use.”

“You create your package and send the email application. Your team has already talked to them about financing, and your customers just pick the loan option they want. Customers are able to get approvals quickly and this helps push the project through. It is a one-stop-shop.”

Contact us today for more information on signing up for BuyFin – consumer financing for contractors.